Please watch for another update over the weekend, regarding changes to our clinic and postpartum appointments.
Changes to visitor policy at Trillium Health Partners:
“Based on information from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer, Trillium Health Partners has made the difficult decision to no longer permit visitors at any of our sites (Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga Hospital, Queensway Urgent Care) as of 10 p.m. March 20, 2020. Limited exceptions will be granted for essential visitors who are supporting patients who are at end of life, critically ill, paediatric patients or women in the birthing suites.”
What does this mean for our clients?
People in labour are currently an exception to this visitor policy and may bring up to one support person over the age of 16. This person must be healthy, and pass routine screening (no travel history in last 14d, no exposure to someone ill or with a travel history).
Access to COVID-19 Screening for Pregnant People
At THP, pregnant people are able to access screening for COVID-19 with any of the following symptoms:
- cough OR
- shortness of breath OR
- sore throat
If you have any of the above symptoms, please page your midwives directly to coordinate testing. If you pursue testing on your own as a result of other exposures/risks, please also contact your midwives to keep us in the loop.
Other Changes at the Hospital
As of March 20, 2020, clients will not be able to utilize the jacuzzi tub or nitrous oxide (laughing gas) at either hospital site. Both items require shared equipment, and at this time, in light of community-based COVID-19, there is not enough evidence to show that it is safe even with mask and filter changes.
There have also been changes to the patient entrances at both hospitals. See maps below for each site: