Exciting Hospital Update!
We are very excited to announce that beginning Monday, July 5th, 2021 Trillium Health Partners is able to lift some of their COVID-19 visitor restrictions! We know the visiting policy has been very difficult for loved ones and appreciate the role you have all played in ensuring the safety of patients, staff and the community during this pandemic.
Please note – all visitors must still pass screening to enter the hospital, and are expected to wear a mask for the duration of their stay (masks may be removed when in a private room and no heathcare staff present).
As of Monday, July 5th, 2021:
Labour Assessment Unit (outpatient assessments, pre-admission)
- No changes – due to limited ability to maintain social-distancing, no visitors or support persons allowed.
Birthing Suites (admitted in labour)
- 2 essential support persons may be present for labour and birth
- Unlimited length of visit
- No children
Postpartum Unit
- 1 essential support person for duration of hospitalization (the essential support person is one of the 2 BSU support persons)
- Unlimited length of visit
- No children
- 2 essential support persons may be at the bedside for the duration of hospitalization
- Unlimited length of stay
- No children
Antepartum Admission (people admitted for monitoring before labour)
- 2 essential visitors
- 1 visit per day
- 2 essential visitors allowed at each visit
- Visit frequency – daily for a maximum of 2 hours
- Visiting hours 10 am – 10 pm
We appreciate the sacrifices that many families have made throughout the course of the pandemic, and are thrilled to see things begin to open up, while still ensuring the safety of all. As always, if you have any questions about these changes, please contact your team to discuss.