Tell Me More About the COVID-19 Vaccine!
Evidence and Decision-Making Resources
We hope these resources will help you to make your decision. You are always welcome to use the team email to contact your midwives, or to discuss in person at your next routine prenatal appointment. As with all things COVID, information is changing quickly – we will do our best to keep you apprised of all major changes.
If you are not already, consider following us on facebook and instagram for timely updates. The resources below, and all future resources, can also be found on the resources tab of our website.
- Dr. Matthew Robinson, Medical Director, THP COVID-19 Vaccination Program, offers information in the following videos:
- BORN Ontario
- Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health (PCMCH) – I am pregnant or breastfeeding – should I get the COVID vaccine? (Last updated Apr.28,2021)
- Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) – Statement on COVID Vaccination in Pregnancy
- Video: McMaster University – COVID Variants and Vaccines
- Infographic: How does a mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) vaccine work?
- Infographic: How does a Viral Vector (AstraZeneca, Johnson+Johnson) vaccine work
Pregnant people are five times more likely to end up hospitalized and in the intensive care unit if they become sick with COVID (this is particularly true in the second and third trimester).
While pregnant people were not involved in the initial vaccine clinical trials (where they compare a group of people who got the vaccine with those who did not), there is now a large COVID vaccine registry of pregnant folks (35,000) that indicates the vaccine is effective in pregnancy, has no increased risk of adverse outcomes (the only thing they found more commonly in pregnant people was more likelihood of pain at the injection site), and finally they found no increase in the rates of pregnancy related complications.
Timing of Vaccine
If you have recently had the TDaP, flu, or any other vaccine, please book your COVID vaccine for 2 weeks after. If you are planning to get the TDaP or any other vaccine, please book them for at least 2 weeks after your COVID vaccine (previous recommendation was for 4 weeks, but has now been updated to 2 weeks).
The current recommendation is to have the COVID vaccine as early in pregnancy as possible, because people in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters are at the highest risk of serious illness. There is no contraindication to having the vaccine in the first trimester. At this time, pregnant people have been designated for a 16 week vaccine dose interval.
How to Book Your COVID-19 Vaccine
As of April 23, 2021 all pregnant people are considered highest-risk of COVID-19, and are now eligible to receive the vaccine. One “caregiver” is also allowed to get the vaccine with you. You can visit this link to book your vaccine at THP (Pfizer). You can also access the Moderna and Astra Zeneca vaccines through provincial booking, or your local pharmacy. All 3 vaccines have been deemed appropriate for pregnant people.
**You will need your OHIP card to book. If you do not have an OHIP card, please email your midwives so we can help you access the vaccine.**
- Book at Trillium online at
- Provincial Booking System – phone 1-833-943-3900 8am-8pm every day
- Peel Region Booking System – phone 1-888-999-6488 or online at
- Call your local pharmacy